
We Stumbled Into The Cheer World, And Are Thrilled We Did!

Every weekend, thousands of extremely talented athletes and their supportive families travel all over the country to perform in cheer competitions. It is a whole world unto itself! A whole world I never knew about.

So how did I end up spending my winter weekends engulfed in this cheer world?

My brilliant aunt, whose daughter competes for World Cup, introduced me to it. Knowing there are thousands of cheerleaders in need of a place to touchup their hair & makeup and thousands of families with phones to charge & hours to kill- my aunt suggested we bring a VANGO to my cousin's next cheer competition. 


Not knowing what to expect or quite what our plan was, my sister and I packed up our mom's van and headed to our first promotional event at the Providence Convention Center. 

Just as we were setting up, this friendly woman walked by and said, "Mirrors!? We need mirrors! Why don't you come and setup by us. I'm Christin, the owner of Spirit Box. We're doing a photo shoot with Pedro Blanco Photography, and it would be great if the girls could get ready at your glamour station before having their photos taken!"


We were overwhelmed by the positive responses we received.


What took us most by surprise were all the moms who said they wanted a VANGO for themselves. "This would be perfect in my walk-in closet!" and "I'm bringing my husband back so he knows what to get me for Christmas!"

I originally thought my target markets were going to be college students and apartment dwellers. After this successful event, I knew that the cheer world was worth exploring!

We have since sponsored the World Cup Shooting Stars Fashion Show, teamed up with Spirit Box and Pedro Blanco Photography for more photoshoots, and look forward to the bright future ahead. 

Faith Meads